Hard Bargain

What my Life Altering experiences taught me about Faith, Friendship and Family

About Us

Nearly losing my life in a boating accident in 2012 left me with a desire to save others who were drowning in life, just as I nearly drowned at sea. So, I established The God is Good Charitable Fund dedicated to helping people who have nowhere else to turn. People who, like me on that fateful night stranded at sea, desperately need a helping hand.

The God is Good Charitable Fund extends that hand down to lift them back up at the grassroots level, the basis for what one of the inaugural recipients, Mrs. Troy, said was “absolutely a miracle.” I don’t call it a miracle, I call it an obligation. I stepped in to rescue the Troys by rebuilding their home after Superstorm Sandy in 2012, just as I had been rescued at sea. I titled a book I wrote chronicling my near-death adventure at sea HARD BARGAIN, because the experience helped me realize that life itself drives a hard bargain and I wanted to help others come out on top, too.

Making a Difference

There have been many storms since and many more to come, both figurative and literal. And toward that end, The God is Good Charitable Fund has supported high schools, colleges, pre-schools, inner city education and places of worship. The fund has also contributed to the causes of law enforcement, firefighters and the Coast Guard, including widows and orphans left behind by tragedy, as well as community health and mental health and well-being issues.

And here’s the good news: You don’t need to have a life-changing experience to want to change lives. You don’t have to suffer to make a difference in the lives of others who are suffering. You can join me and others who’ve already made an impact by supporting The God is Good Charitable Fund here.

Supporting all causes

No cause is too small or too large for The God is Good Charitable Fund to champion, because heartache and misery can afflict anyone at any time. Almost perishing that night at sea taught me that you can’t really put a dollar sign on love, or happiness, or family, or friendship, or loyalty, but all of them are worth more than anything that comes with a price tag.

“If not us, who? If not now, when?” President John F. Kennedy once asked.

And that is exactly what The God is Good Charitable Fund is all about.

Good Samaritan rebuilds home of Long Beach family who lost nearly everything in Hurricane Sandy


Hard Bargain

What Life-Altering experiences taught me about faith, friendship, and family

By Donald G. Denihan with Jon Land